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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cougars 2009

Caden is playing football this year for the NWRHS Cougars. He plays wide reciever. Jason and I are loving going to all his games. Here are a few pics that I took from "Meet the Cougars".

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Anniversary Trip to St. Thomas 09'

My wonderful husband surprised me with a trip to St. Thomas for our anniversary. He had actually told me about the trip about three months ago, because he just could not keep it a secret any longer. But still, it was such a wonderful surprise. It was the most relaxing and beautiful trip I think that I have ever been on. The beaches, the scenery, it was all just so amazing. One day, we took a sailing and snorkeling trip to St. John. Just to see all the beauty of the islands is breathtaking. We had such a great time, and Jason really made the trip special for me. He really does spoil me..... He is the best husband in the world, and I am so blessed to have him in my life.

Monday, July 13, 2009

SJH Class Reunion - Class of 89'

Jason and I had our 20 Year Class Reunion this past weekend. Friday night, we drove down to Hattiesburg and met some friends for a little pre-reunion. And, then on Saturday night we had our Class Reunion. It was held at the "Bottling Company" in downtown Hattiesburg. It was sooooo good to see everyone and catch up on things, and we had the best time. I think most of us agreed to do it again for 25 years. And, I can't wait.......

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 4 Weekend 2009

Jason and I went to the Coast for the July Fourth Weekend. We went and saw our favorite band "Dr. Zarr and the Amazing Funk Monsters". And, we got to visit with some really good friends. It was a FUN weekend!!!

Girls Beach Trip 2009

I went on a girl's trip to Orange Beach, with some of my friends that I work with. We had a very fun and relaxing time. We laid on the beach, went out and ate some really good seafood. It was just really nice to get away with such wonderful women.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mountain Vacation 2009

We took a family vacation to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, Tennessee. There were fourteen of us, and we had a wonderful time. We rented a cabin, cooked out, relaxed and just had fun. We did the Dixie Stampede, Dollywood, got some shopping in and ate at some really good restuarants. We all played goofy golf one night and had the best time. Carter loved it, he got a hole-in-one, and was so excited, it was all he talked about. It was just so nice to get away, and the mountians were a beautiful place to get away to.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

USM Spring Game 2009

Well, let see....We attempted to go to Southern's spring game . I got really sick and we had to leave. But here of a few pics of us getting ready to go, and some of Kaitlyn, Caden and few of their friends.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break 2009

This year for spring break we went with our good friends Tommy, Robin, and Manze Ball, and Lexie Teel to Mexico Beach, Florida. The weather, the ocean, the food, everything was wonderful. We had the best time, just relaxing in the sun. It was so nice just to get away for a little fun. We love the beach and can't wait to go to it very soon.......

Kaitlyn's First Car

Jason bought Kaitlyn her first car.....she got a 2002 Nissan Maxima. She was so excited and did not expect it at all. She had no idea that she was getting it and she was soooo surprised.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Valentine's Weekend 2009

We had a wonderful and busy weekend for Valentine's. On Friday night, we went to Vicksburg to see Dr. Zarr (of course!) with our friends, Tommy and Robin Ball, Steve and Ladonna Whitney, Reggie and Michelle Pennington, and Whitney Hurd. Whitney's husband is in the band, so she gets to hang out with us. We had a great time, as always....... And, on Saturday night, we went with our friends Roy and Susan Robinson to a draw down at their church. It was the first time that we had ever been to one, and we had the BEST time..... Cannot wait to do it again next year. Jason was his usual romantic self, he sent me a dozen red roses to work, and some other gifts....... It was a WONDERFUL weekend!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kaitlyn's Showchoir Dinner Show

Yesterday we went to Northeast High School to a dinner show for Kaitlyn's showchoir, known as the Gold Horizons. It was a very nice dinner and the showchoir performance was really good. They got to perform in their new school Performance Arts building which is really nice. The showchoir will be starting their competitions this Saturday, and will be competing every weekend till March. In March they will be traveling to Nashville, TN to compete in the Nationals. Kaitlyn has been in showchoir since she was in the seventh grade, and she loves it. She does an amazing job and we are so proud of her.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My First Hunting Trip

I went with Jason on my first hunting trip. And, I have to say, it was FUN...... Caden decided that he did not want to go, he had made plans with a friend. Jason really wanted to go, so I offered to go with him. Not really thinking that he would take me up on my offer, but he did. And, I was glad. I kept thinking what have I got myself in to, having to get up at 4:45 in the morning and sitting out in that cold weather. But, I made it, and I stayed awake the entire time. Once, I got in the woods, it was exciting sitting there with the anticipation that maybe I was going to get to see a deer come out. Unfortunately, we didn't see anything, but it was fun just being there and being with Jason.

Party at the Hurd's

Some of our good friends Doug and Whitney Hurd invited us over for a night of fun on Friday night. We met some of their friends Steve and Christy Coleman, and Tommy and Robin Ball were also there. We played (or attempted to play) games, and Doug got out his guitar and him and Steve did a little singing for us. We also celebrated Jason's birthday. Jason's birthday is not until January 31, but Doug plays in a band, and he never gets a weekend night off, so we went ahead and celebrated it with them on Friday. It was a great night of fun and meeting new friends, we all can't wait to do it again.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Celebrating the New Year.....

For New Year's Eve, Jason and I went to Vicksburg to ring in the new year. We met our friends, Tommy and Robin Ball, Greg and Samantha Fleming, and Doug and Whitney Hurd. We all had a great time, we won some money, and danced the night away with my favorite band, " Dr. Zarr and the Amazing Funk Monsters.

Thursday, January 1, 2009



Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas this year with our family and friends. We made our routine rounds on Christmas Eve to Jason's dads in Hattiesburg, and to my grandmother's house in Petal. Then it was on to my parents for Christmas Day. We enjoyed all our time visiting and just getting to spend some time with our families. We all stay so busy during the year, so we don't get together as often as we would like, but are thankful for the time that we have when we do get to visit. Kaitlyn and Caden got so much for Christmas that I would not even know where to begin. I think they got everything that they asked for and more. Carter did get that football helmet that he wanted, but from the pictures I don't know who enjoyed it more. Calvin or Carter?